A healthy heart for all, now and in the future. That is the goal of the Dutch Heart Foundation. This drives us to seek new insights and ways of preventing heart and circulatory diseases, recognising them at an early stage and treating them to prevent the situation from worsening. With the invaluable help of our donors, we are investing in the best research and, in collaboration with healthcare professionals, we are ensuring that knowledge and innovation reach patients, people at risk, and society faster.

With our fellowship program, we support talented researchers in various stages of their academic career. This program is open to researchers from all disciplines that study heart or circulatory diseases: fundamental, translational and (pre)clinical research all contribute to reducing the cardiovascular disease burden. Technical innovations, behavioral studies, epidemiological studies, new therapeutics and improved diagnostics all play a vital role.

This means that we receive an impressive amount of research proposals each year, with an even more impressive diversity in topics, scientific disciplines and creative approaches. It’s an enormous challenge to find expert peer-reviewers who can evaluate these proposals and provide comments to further improve their quality. Global Campus helps us to find these experts:

  1. Semantic Search captured the topic of research proposals much better than searches based on keywords. This proved especially important for proposals that combine multiple approaches or disciplines of research.
  2. The Advanced Filters helped us to better identify the type of expert we are looking for, with expertise on (a specific aspect of) the proposal, but without a conflict of interest with the applicant.
  3. With better matches between experts and research proposals, we experienced that researchers are more likely to accept peer review requests.

The Semantic Search engine and the advanced filters of Global Campus help us to better identify the type of expert we are looking for.

Michiel van der Vaart

Michiel van der Vaart

Michiel van der Vaart

Team manager Research Programs at Dutch Heart Foundation

With better matches between experts and research proposals, we experienced that researchers are more likely to accept peer review requests.
