This week marked not only Maria's last week as a student but also her final week as a legal intern at Global Campus. Read below what she wrote about her experience.

I could go on at length about the many ways this internship has helped me, but I will stick to a shorter description of what I have learned throughout these past seven months.

This internship has provided me with a valuable set of skills that I will carry with me to future positions. It has allowed me to apply what I have learned about data protection in practice, from Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) to Data Sharing Agreements and Privacy Notices, as well as addressing other legal questions that have arisen in the day-to-day business. This internship has helped me grow as a person in ways I couldn’t have imagined, despite its relatively short duration.

Besides the professional side of this internship, I was also fortunate to meet and work alongside a team that is open-minded and very kind. Their flexibility and support have been greatly appreciated these past few months. Additionally, the lunchtime conversations were always a highlight in an otherwise grey day (pun intended – it’s the Netherlands and the weather is generally bad).

With this last blog post, I want to remind everyone that work can be enjoyable if you are surrounded by a great team. I thank everyone at Global Campus for making me feel welcomed from the very beginning and for kick starting my career.